The firm took over the defense of a copyright infringement case, which also involved claims under the Lanham Act approaching $18 Million. After restructuring the strategy and taking a couple of depositions, the case was settled by our clients for future payments over a year of approximately $100,000, and the repayment by the defendant of money it had withheld (but was due to plaintiff) during the course of the litigation. In short, after our involvement in the case, the claim for $18 Million simply disappeared.

We represented a management consulting firm who was sued for theft of business, theft of ideas and hiring away employees of an allegedly competing firm. The plaintiffs alleged damages in excess of $40 Million and sought injunctive relief. We defeated the injunction effort and then proceeded to whittle away at the remainder of the suit through motion practice. While significant motions were pending, and after some key depositions, we settled the case for defense costs. The Company was able to continue on in the challenged business uninterrupted and has since increased its revenues six-fold.

The firm represented directors of a New York Stock Exchange company in connection with a securities lawsuit that had been filed against them and their company. Prior to our involvement, the lawyers handling the case at the time of our retention had recommended to the company and the directors a multi-million dollar settlement in favor of plaintiff. In less than five months, we were successful in having the plaintiff withdraw his case on the grounds that he could not prevail and obtained a public apology by the plaintiff and their counsel for having brought the lawsuit in the first place.